Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi Again!

Hey, guys! I found my keyboard! It was right under my hands! * Snort *
I've been getting some nasty letters about my blog, and I wondered why anyone could be so mad just because I said hello. So I got some friends to do some investigating, and they found startling news! An imposter has been controlling my blog!! Just like on Powerboy issue #393!!!
Apparently my lawyer had to explain something on the blog, and then he said somethings for a joke. He said something about bad publicity not actually be bad...
My mail route went a bit long today, since someone couldn't sign for a package until they finished painting their house, but I thought of some new Powerboy ideas while painting.
The paint of death will kill Powerboy if he doesn't liberate the Chinese and provide better working and production standards!

1 comment:

Rusty G. said...

Sorry I was mean Wooton. I didn't mean to offend...


(nothing personal Wooton, your blog is great. It's just my job.)