Friday, June 13, 2008

Hi Again!

Hey, guys! I found my keyboard! It was right under my hands! * Snort *
I've been getting some nasty letters about my blog, and I wondered why anyone could be so mad just because I said hello. So I got some friends to do some investigating, and they found startling news! An imposter has been controlling my blog!! Just like on Powerboy issue #393!!!
Apparently my lawyer had to explain something on the blog, and then he said somethings for a joke. He said something about bad publicity not actually be bad...
My mail route went a bit long today, since someone couldn't sign for a package until they finished painting their house, but I thought of some new Powerboy ideas while painting.
The paint of death will kill Powerboy if he doesn't liberate the Chinese and provide better working and production standards!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

The Real Wooton

I know I can sound weird, unintelligent, and - *snort* - obese on the AIO radio show, but this is actually a guise for my superior intelligence! It takes much more than energy and an addiction to comics to make a multi-million-dollar corporation from my own imagination. It takes business skills: finances, marketing, demographic targeting, corporate strategies, and acting like a clown so no one knows my true identity.
Sadly, my identity has been exposed. First a friend and his dad found out, then Whit, and now Rusty Gordon, who blogs to a massive audience. The fans know, and the stockholders know. The fans have already been brainwashed enough to believe Powerboy is real thanks to a Powerboy symbol marketing stunt a few months ago, but now I need to reassure the stockholders that a sane person is leading their company. The friendly persona formerly known as friendly mailman Wooton is no longer believable or necessary.
So now you know. I'm actually a corporate CEO, a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, clutching, covetous, old sinner! Hard and sharp as flint, from which no steel had ever struck out generous fire.
But that's another story.

Leaked Powerboy Comic?

One of Odyssey's unnamed gang members thinks he hacked into my secret lair and found an unreleased Powerboy comic.
This is actually not a real Powerboy comic!
This supposed leak has hurt the ratings of my comic, as this looks like a borified repeat of episode #193, so I apologize to all of the stock holders in Powerboy Comics.


Hi! I'll start blogging as soon as I - *snort* - find my keyboard.
You can have some free ice cream while you're waiting.